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Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4) Page 3

  In less than an hour, I'll be married. I don't know his name. I don't know what he does for a living. I don't know what he looks like or what his age is. I only know that he is supposedly perfect for me.

  "No!" Kat yells, interrupting my daydream of the most handsome man I've ever seen waiting for me at the altar. "The dress is beautiful, and he's going to go wild over you when he sees you. That's what we're after."

  "I hope so. I feel sick. What if I pass out? Or throw up?"

  She waves her hand at me like I'm a bug. "It's all normal wedding jitters! Do you want a Valium? I have some Xanax, too."

  Leave it to Kat to be a walking pharmacy. "I think I'll pass, but thanks. It might be best if I stay mostly coherent for this."

  Nodding in agreement, she touches up her lipstick and runs her hands through her blond bob in the mirror next to me. "I better get out there," she says to my reflection. "I'm sure they're gonna be knocking on the door soon for you to walk down the aisle."

  Walk down the aisle. To a stranger!

  Suddenly feeling light-headed, I grab on to her arm for balance. "Kat, I'm not sure I can do this. What am I doing? Why are you letting me do this?"

  She puts her arm around me and leads me to a big chair in the corner. "Asia, honey. You can do this. You've spent months with Dr. Hollister, and so has your guy. She's convinced that her team found the perfect matches for the five couples involved."

  Fanning myself with a magazine, I ask her a question I've asked her at least a hundred times, hoping I may get a different answer this time. "Didn't you see anything about him at work? You type up all her notes. Surely she must have mentioned something?"

  She shakes her head vehemently. "No, everyone was referred to with a number, even you. The whole thing is very confidential; I told you that." She fusses with my hair. "You're going to meet him in less than half an hour, so try to take a few deep breaths. Hyperventilation is not a good first impression."

  "Do you think this is wrong? Seriously. Am I crazy?"

  A sweet smile passes her lips. "Asia, I think sometimes we have to take crazy chances in life. I love you like a sister. Hell, I love you even more than my sister. If I didn't think this was a good thing for you to do, I'd be dragging your ass out of here. Trust me."

  "I'm scared. I've never even lived with a guy before."

  "It will all be okay. You're going through it with him. That's the idea. He's probably just as scared and nervous as you are."


  She gently tugs me back to my feet. "I have to go since I'm supposed to be out there as your amazing maid of honor."

  "It's not fair that you get to see him first."

  "Too bad. Now remember, Rob, Dr. Hollister, and the research team will be sitting on your side at the ceremony. On your left when you come down the aisle."

  Terrific. My best friend's boyfriend and the romance team for the experiment will be the only ones sitting on my side. My future husband is going to think I'm a total loser when he sees I have no family and only one friend.

  Kat gently hugs me good-bye before disappearing to take her place at the altar in the ceremony room, leaving me alone to eye the window as an escape route. I'm on the first floor of the hotel, so I could easily jump out and run away from this madness and hide. Being single isn't really that bad. I've done it this long; I can do it longer.

  There's a soft knock on the door and Kimberly, one of the team assistants who's supposed to keep us all on track, pokes her head in.

  "You doing all right in here? I came to check on you." No, go away. I'm going to escape and become an old cat lady. Quickly stepping in, she closes the door behind her and gives me a big, bright smile. She looks gorgeous today with her dark brown hair in loose waves down her shoulders rather than the tight ponytail I've only ever seen her in the few times we've met.

  I nod and return the smile, although probably not as bright. "You look beautiful, Kim."

  "Hey, I'm supposed to say that to you, silly. And you do. That dress is gorgeous on you."

  "Thank you. I feel very overdressed and kinda fake." I smooth down the white satin dress, which feels heavier by the minute.

  "All brides feel that way. Wedding gowns feel too tight or too flouncy and always too long. I couldn't wait to get mine off when I got married."

  Meeting her eyes, I take a deep breath. "I guess it's my time?"

  "It is."

  "Did the other couples get married already?" I ask, wondering how it went for them, and if they were happy with their matches.

  "They have all married over the past two weeks, and I checked in with each of them earlier today. They are all doing great. You will, too, I promise." She beams at me. "Everyone's ready, so the music will start in about five to ten minutes, cueing you to enter the ceremony room and walk down the aisle. Okay?"

  "Got it." My mouth feels dry and cottony.

  "You're a very lucky girl." Sighing dreamily, she reaches for the door and exits the room.

  I hope her lucky girl comment means that my husband is a great guy. It must, since there's really no other reason for her to make a statement like that with that goofy smile on her face.

  Checking myself once more in the mirror, I smile weakly at my appearance.

  "Okay, time to go be Mrs. Somebody," I whisper to myself and head out into the hallway to stop a few feet away from the closed door of the ceremony room to wait for the wedding march music to start.

  As I stare at the door, my heartbeat quickens and my palms begin to sweat. I grip my bouquet of pink roses tighter.

  Run! There's a door right there! There's a big exit sign over it!

  Stay. The man of your dreams is waiting just on the other side of this door!

  Run, you idiot! This is the dumbest thing you've ever done!

  "Nervous?" A deep male voice slams me abruptly out of my crazy headspace.

  "Huh? Yes. I am," I clear my throat and turn to see a tall, broad-shouldered guy with a dark ponytail, deep brown eyes, and a five-o'clock shadow. He's got an alluring aura about him I can't quite put my finger on, but I have to force myself to break eye contact.

  "That's normal," he says. "It's a big step."

  "It is." I turn back to the door.

  "You're not thinking of walkin' down that aisle alone, are ya?"

  My jaw grinds involuntarily. "Yes, I am." Go away.

  "Would you allow me the honor, then?" He extends his arm to me with a smile, and I give him a look like he's gone mad.

  "Oh…um…I can't let you do that. I don't even know you."

  He winks at me. "Asher Valentine, your future brother-in-law."

  Holy shit. His brother. My husband’s brother. "Oh! I'm so sorry. Nice to meet you. I'm Asia. Asia Jenson."

  He holds his arm out to me again, and I nervously hook mine through it, causing him to smile.

  "I can't let my little brother's future wife walk to him alone, now can I?"

  Why can't I have a father to do this with me? Or a sweet older brother like this guy?

  Tears well up in my eyes while I think of my parents, who were never parents at all, and a brother who used me.

  Asher leans close to me and whispers in my ear. "No worries, Asia. You're getting the family you always wanted."

  Before I can reply, the music starts, the doors open, and we drift down the aisle like we're in a dream. I feel as if I'm outside my body, watching myself, disconnected. Everyone turns to watch us come down the aisle. On the left, my side, are a few couples I don't recognize sitting with Kat's boyfriend and the team. But my side isn't empty like I thought it would be. Like it should be.

  And the right side, his side, is packed with smiling faces.

  It takes me a minute to realize what's so odd about what I'm seeing around me.

  Most of the male guests have really long hair. And piercings. And tattoos.

  Holy shit, did I walk into a rock concert? What the heck is going on?

  As we approach the altar, my eyes land on Kat first, w
ho gives me an overly excited thumbs-up, which seems really inappropriate to me at a time like this. I mean, this is a wedding. I think?

  Asher disengages his arm from mine, kisses my cheek, then turns to his brother and gives him a quick hug before retreating to his own seat behind us.

  "May I introduce you?" the female officiant asks, her voice cheery. "Asia Jenson, meet Talon Valentine. I'd like you to join hands."

  I don't recall moving my hands, but soon they are engulfed in large, warm ones with callused fingertips.

  The officiant's voice sounds a million miles away as I slowly look up to meet my future husband's eyes—which are the same deep, rich brown as his brother's, only with a mischievous, sexy glint.

  Oh, God.

  This is not my dream man.

  This is like rock star hippie Tarzan.

  His dirty-blond hair is long, almost as long as mine, flowing down over his shoulders to his chest. He's not wearing a tie, and the dress shirt under his tux is unbuttoned at the top, exposing tattoos on his chest.

  This isn't what I described in my application.

  His lips are moving, but I can't hear him over the screams in my head. Soon a ring slides onto my trembling finger.

  Did I say I do?

  The officiant asks me to repeat the vows and I do, my voice robotic.

  What am I doing?

  Kat hands me the platinum band and I slide it onto his finger, noticing the tattoo design on the top of his hand as I do so, a sugar skull with dark roses around it. No way does this guy work in a corporate office, as I always pictured my husband to be doing.

  "…you may kiss the bride!"

  Wait. What?

  He leans toward me, and at the last second, I freak out and turn my face and his lips land on my cheek. The guests all start to laugh and cheer.

  Rewind. Please rewind. Go back to months ago when I agreed to this mess and undo this.

  "She's really shy at first," Kat jokes to the guests, her hand on my back. "Kiss him!" she whispers in my ear.

  I can't.

  He takes my hand and leads me away from the altar, down the aisle past all the guests who are cheering and patting him on the back and smiling at us.

  I need to get out of here.

  Kimberly meets us at the door. "Come with me," she whispers and leads us back to the small parlor room where I got ready earlier.

  This must be the part where she tells us there's been a horrible mistake. Thank God.

  "Okay, so I know you two are excited and nervous and all sorts of other scary feelings, but rest assured, that is all completely normal." She smiles at us. "The rest of the guests are going to move to the reception room for drinks and appetizers. You two will have about half an hour alone in here to get to know each other a little, and then the photographer will come here to get you. He'll take some pictures and then you'll join everyone in the reception hall for dinner." She clasps her hands together. "You guys make the best couple. I'm so excited for you! I'm a huge fan, Talon!"


  "Thanks, babe," he replies casually.

  Babe? Did he just call her babe?

  "Can you bring Kat in here?" I ask, fidgeting with the ring on my hand. "I really need to talk to her."

  Kimberly shakes her head. "No, I'm so sorry, Asia. Dr. Hollister insists the bride and groom be alone for this time. You'll be able to talk to her soon, though. I'll go out and tell her that you want to see her as soon as you're able."

  What the hell? I want my best friend. Now.

  Kimberly leaves and I stare at the door like it's a portal.

  "I need a fuckin' drink," Talon says, heading to the small bar in the corner. "You want a drink, Amber?"

  "It's Asia."

  "I was close. What'll you have?"

  "Just water, please."

  "Water? That's a first."

  My dress feels as if it's gained fifty pounds since our vows, like it's dragging me off my own feet. I slowly sit on the couch and eye him nervously as he pours himself a drink and then brings me a bottle of water.

  "Thank you," I say politely.

  He leans against the wall, slowly sipping his drink, staring at me intently, and I do the same back. He's got some incredibly sexy dark eyes, and even with a tux on, I can see he's got a muscular body.

  "Well, this is more fucked up than I thought it would be," he finally says, grinning.

  I nod in agreement. "Yeah." I have no idea what to say.

  "Do you know who I am?"

  I shake my head. "No. I don't think so. Should I?"

  His full lips curve into a sexy, albeit sarcastic, smirk. "Most people do."

  "Are you an actor?"

  "No, but you're getting close, honey." He finishes off his drink and walks back to the bar to pour another one.

  Christ. I hope he's not an alcoholic. I specifically asked for a nondrinker and made it clear during the interviews that it was very important to me not to be married to any sort of substance abuser.

  I sip some of my water. "Look, can we not play games? This is nerve-racking enough. And I kinda don't like being with someone who drinks. At all," I say cautiously. "I put that on my questionnaire thing."

  He stops midpour. "Are you kidding?"

  "No, I'm serious."

  "Can I ask why?"

  I take a deep breath, not expecting to be talking about any of this now. "My father was an alcoholic. He used to get drunk and beat my mother and me. The mere smell of it makes me feel sick."

  He closes his eyes for a few moments and then puts the bottle back down on the bar. "All right," he relents. "I can't argue with that, especially after I just agreed to love, honor, and obey. I guess I'll have water, too."

  "Thank you," I reply softly. "So…who are you?"

  He turns on his heel and saunters back across the room with a wicked grin on his face. He definitely knows he's good-looking and it's obvious he uses it to get attention.

  "Talon Valentine," he says.

  Asia Valentine. I test it in my head. My new name. "Well, I like my new last name. It's very pretty."

  "You really don't recognize my name?" he asks in disbelief. "Or me? Come on."

  Ah. An ego is emerging, it seems.

  "No, I'm sorry." And seriously, I don't recognize this guy at all. He's not in any way the type of man I would normally ever be attracted to. He's way too wild-looking and has trouble stamped all over him.

  Smiling, he shakes his head. "Well, they certainly did their job in making sure the girl didn't know who I was. At least they got that part right." Uh-oh. Sounds like I'm not what he ordered from the menu either. "I'm the guitarist in Ashes & Embers."

  I choke on my water and it spews out my nose. "Oh my God, what?"

  I wipe at my wet face with my hand, feeling like a total idiot. I look around for a box of tissues or something, but there aren't any.

  "Here." He hands me a napkin from the bar.

  "The rock band?" I ask in disbelief, dabbing at my face and hoping I haven't ruined the makeup job Kat spent almost an hour on.


  No, no, no. This cannot be happening. I wanted quiet. Normal. Family man. Suit and tie. Someone stable, not someone wild and crazy.

  Not a freaking rock star!

  I close my eyes and shake my head, hoping maybe this will all go away. "Why would you want to do this? You're, like, practically famous."

  This guy doesn't seem like the type who would want a wife—or have any trouble finding one if he did. This has to be some kind of PR stunt. I'm going to demand to talk to Dr. Hollister. Maybe even get a lawyer and sue for distress. I endured detailed interviews, questionnaires, meetings with psychologists and sex therapists for almost half a year for this. Months of my life—just gone. And now I'm legally married to someone who probably did this for publicity and not to find a life partner.

  "Why?" he repeats, snapping a Zippo lighter open and lighting up a cigarette dangling from his mouth. "Truthfully? Because I wanted to be with someone wh
o wasn't just interested in my dick."

  Well, yeah. No problem with that, buddy. You can keep your dick over there.

  Chapter 7


  First, a fucked-up kiss.

  And now, I can't drink.

  Then, she's telling me I can't smoke in the room.

  I've been with this chick for less than half an hour and she's already messing with my mojo.

  I'm eyeing her from across the reception hall where she seems to be hiding with her friend, and having a meltdown, her hands flying as she talks, head shaking, while her friend nods repeatedly.

  "Hey, man, she's beautiful." My brother Storm appears next to me, smiling from ear to ear.

  "What the fuck? That chick is not what I asked for." I sip my water distastefully. "She's already stomped her feet against me drinking and smoking."

  "Well, that's a good thing, actually. You do drink a little too much, so I'll thank her for that."

  I give him the side-eye. "She's not a fucking thing like what I asked for. I got ripped off."

  He grins and shrugs. "I dunno. She kinda reminds me of Evie. She has that perpetually lost look. She's kinda adorable."

  I almost spit my water out. "Adorable? I don't do adorable. I do models. I do actresses. I do sexy, long legs, and big tits. I do women who beg for me." I gesture at the little waif across the room who refuses to look at me. "I do not do that."

  Storm's gaze follows mine onto her. "And where has what you've been doing gotten you? Hmm? It's time for a change, little bro." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Do you think Evie was what I thought I'd fall in love with? I was just like you, chasing after the models, doing the friends with benefits thing and all that shit. But then she came along and bam, that was it for me. Give Asia a chance." He squeezes my shoulder. "She is your wife now."

  Shit. Fuck.

  I drink my stupid water and scan the room for my mom or Dr. Hollister or Kim or someone from the team, but of course, none of them is around. How convenient. I'm pretty sure those fuckers set this up on purpose, knowing this girl wasn't in any way my type, just to rile me up and see how it all plays out.